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Journey through a broken world and use gravity to your​
advantage on a quest to find your true self...

My Contribution:

  • Level Designing all levels together with LD colleague, switching ownership.

  • Combat and puzzle design

  • Level Propping / Level Art

  • Part of taskforces: Narrative, Enemies, Pipeline

  • one of the members responsible for organizing SCRUM meeting. 

Production time:

  • 8 weeks half-speed 


  • Unity

  • TGE

The team:

  • 4 Level Designers

  • 4 Game Artists

  • 5 Game Programmers



While working on Telos we were 4 level designers. To properly plan and manage our workload I suggested we use a clock in and clock out system on Miro. I also suggested to colour code our top downs so when merging them in excalidraw, if any questions arose we knew immediately who to ask about a specific part of a level.  This also limited the potential for conflicts while using Unity and Perforce. It was easy to se every morning who worked on what and since this project started soon after we returned from a Covid outbreak I put a lot of weight on communication. 

This system worked well for our team, however the clock in and out feature wasn't as utilized since we soon were allowed to work on location instead of working from home. 

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